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  • Folly Gardens Vets Search Function
  • Folly Gardens Vets Search Function

    Over 30 years of caring for our clients pets’ well-being

  • Folly Gardens Vets Search Function

Assuming conkers is required, the following 4 results were found.

  1. Are conkers poisonous to dogs?

    Navigating autumn’s hidden hazards: Can dogs eat conkers? As the vibrant autumn leaves begin to fall, our canine companions eagerly join us in exploring the wonders of autumn. Amidst this picturesque backdrop, one common autumn sight is the iconic...

  2. Keeping your pet safe this autumn

    we need to be aware of that may affect our pets and their wellbeing. Here are some things to look out for this autumn. Conkers and acorns Hunting for conkers is one of autumn’s pleasures – searching through crunchy leaves until you spot a spiky shell,...

  3. Folly Gardens Vets comes to the rescue after hungry Labrador swallowed a conker!

    and kebab sticks, but it has been a while since it has been a conker! "While they may be perfect for playground games, conkers can be dangerous to dogs due to their bowel-blocking shape, but they are also poisonous as they contain aesculin, which is...

  4. The top 12 most poisonous plants for pets

    Learn more about other dangers for your pet, with our blogs about chocolate poisoning here and our post on the dangers of conkers here for more information on things to keep out of your pets reach!

Results 1 - 4 of 4