Vaccination is important to protect your cats from the following diseases:
- Cat Flu – Flu in cats is caused by several different viruses and is very infectious. It causes sneezing, watery eyes and a runny nose and your cat may become very unwell. Kittens and elderly cats are especially at risk and in severe cases can die from flu. It spreads through direct contact with infected cats or from their respiratory secretions.
- Vaccination protects your cat against Herpes Virus and Calicivirus, which together cause more than 80% of cat flu cases.
- All catteries require cats to be vaccinated against flu.
- Panleucopenia - A fatal infection which causes gastroenteritis and lowered levels of white blood cells, meaning your cat cannot fight off infections. Panleucopaenia mainly causes disease in young kittens, which can quickly become very ill. They may stop eating, have painful tummies and have watery diarrhoea. The virus can live in the environment for a long time so most cats will be exposed to the virus, which is why it is important to vaccinate kittens promptly at 9 weeks old.
- Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) - FeLV is a particularly nasty disease and complicated disease which can cause a wide range of problems in cats. Most notably it is linked to a number of cancers that occur in cats and slowly decreases immune function. The virus is spread through direct contact with infected saliva, mother’s milk, urine and faeces. Although vaccination does not provide 100% protection it will dramatically reduce your cat’s chances of developing a disease related to this virus. We recommend that every cat that goes outdoors or has contact with other cats (such as those that live in multi-cat household) is vaccinated against FeLV.
Kittens can be vaccinated from 9 weeks of age, with a second vaccination given 3-4 weeks later.
- Adult cats require yearly booster vaccinations.
Did you know you can restart your cat’s vaccinations? If you suspect you have missed your cat’s annual booster vaccination or think your cat is unvaccinated, contact the surgery for advice on restarting vaccinations!
- Puppies can go out for walks one week after their second injection.
- Adult dogs require a booster vaccination every year.
To arrange an appointment, please contact your local branch.
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Cat Vaccinations FAQ
Why are cat vaccinations necessary?
Vaccinations are essential for providing your cat with adequate protection from life-threatening and debilitating diseases. There is the option of Titre testing, which involves blood samples to determine your cat’s immunity. Unfortunately, this is not always 100% reliable and can be costly to perform. Cats also staying in boarding or cattery facilities are often required to be vaccinated if you're planning to go on holiday.
Do indoor cats need vaccinations?
Indoor cats still require vaccines, but this may be a reduced course that only includes cat flu and enteritis. However, many indoor cat owners still have a full vaccination course each year just in case their cat decides to go out exploring!
What happens if you don't vaccinate your cat?
Deciding not to vaccinate runs the risk of your cat contracting various harmful diseases. If you also want to travel with your cat or need them to stay in boarding facilities or catteries, most sites require up to date vaccination status and will not accept unvaccinated animals. A simple yearly vaccination course can help to protect your cat so they can live a happy and healthy life.
Should you vaccinate an older cat?
As long as your cat is fit and healthy, we would always recommend vaccinations for your cat. These vaccinations provide protection from harmful diseases.
Can a vet tell if a cat has been vaccinated?
There is no way to tell if a cat has been vaccinated physically; however, if your cat has a vaccination card, previous vet records or microchip details, our team can look into your cat's history where possible.
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