Please click here to view the latest information on how to access our services.

  • Order Prescription and Pet Food
  • Order Prescription and Pet Food
  • Order Prescription and Pet Food
  • Order Prescription and Pet Food

    Over 30 years of caring for our clients pets’ well-being

  • Order Prescription and Pet Food

Please allow 5 working days between submitting your prescription request and collecting the medication. You will be notified by text/call when your prescription is ready. The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons requires us to carry out a clinical assessment when prescribing repeat medications, and this may require us to examine your pet, especially when prescribing antibiotics or controlled drugs.

Click here for more information.

Our examination fee is £53.50.

Folly Gardens is here to help, please order your pets medications and specialist food through the below form.

The law states that you may obtain Prescription Only Medicines, Category V (POM-V) from your veterinary surgeon, OR ask for a prescription to obtain these medicines from another veterinary surgeon or pharmacy.

If you require a ‘prescription only’ (but no medication) please telephone the practice directly. Please note a ‘prescription only’ order may not be appropriate if your animal is an inpatient or if immediate treatment is necessary.

The price of any medication dispensed for your pet is available at any time, on request. Please give us 5 working days prior to collecting your pets’ medicine or prescription. This is to allow our vets sufficient time to evaluate the case, order and dispense the medicines. You will be sent a text message once your medication is ready for collection.

At this time prescription medication can be delivered to your door by post or collected from your preferred clinic. Please indicate your preference for Postal delivery or Collection, there is a small charge for postage which will be added to your invoice.

For certain drugs (listed below) postage is not permitted.

  • Diazepam
  • Epiphen
  • Soliphen
  • Tramadol
  • Tralieve
  • Xanax
  • Palladia

Together with any other controlled drugs which may be prescribed from time to time.

Food orders – collection only.

About you
About Your Pet

Folly Gardens Veterinary Clinic is part of Linnaeus Veterinary Limited. We will not share this information with other companies for their marketing purposes. For more details on how we use your information please see our privacy policy.

The personal data submitted via this form will be retained only for the purpose of responding to your question or concern, and will not be used for marketing purposes.

You must be 16 years old or older to submit a form.