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  • Folly Gardens Vets Weight Management
  • Folly Gardens Vets Weight Management

    Over 30 years of caring for our clients pets’ well-being

  • Folly Gardens Vets Weight Management

Weekly Weight Clinics

Our team of qualified veterinary nurses run weight and nutrition clinics throughout the week, and can offer help and advice on all aspects of weight management, including the best diets for your cat, dog or even bunny!

Carrying excess weight is not good for animals, in much the same way that it isn’t for us! Health problems such as orthopaedic pain, diabetes, liver and cardiovascular problems can arise all too easily, and the sad thing is, a lot of these problems are entirely preventable.

If you or your vet are concerned with regards to your pet’s waistline, we can refer you to our nurse led weight watchers clinic, where the nurse will tailor make your pet an easy to follow weight loss program.

We are so passionate about weight management we have created a cost effective package of nurse consultations to get you up and running and support you with your pets’ weight loss journey.

Book an appointment