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  • Folly Gardens Vets comes to the rescue after hungry Labrador swallowed a conker!
  • Folly Gardens Vets comes to the rescue after hungry Labrador swallowed a conker!
  • Folly Gardens Vets comes to the rescue after hungry Labrador swallowed a conker!
  • Folly Gardens Vets comes to the rescue after hungry Labrador swallowed a conker!

    Over 30 years of caring for our clients pets’ well-being

  • Folly Gardens Vets comes to the rescue after hungry Labrador swallowed a conker!

Folly Gardens Veterinary Clinic, treated four-year-old Theo after the beloved family pet swallowed a conker whilst foraging in the garden. 

Poor Theo was repeatedly sick during the night and thankfully, his owners reacted quickly to the situation and took him straight to Folly Gardens Vets in Tewkesbury, where vet Brad Cooper examined him. 

Brad was able to palpate a small lump in his abdomen and the team at Folly Gardens took radiographs which confirmed a blockage in Theo's intestine. tewkesbury vets treats dog after swallowing a conker

Brad, clinical director at Folly Gardens, said: "An intestinal obstruction can be life-threatening if not acted upon swiftly, so the team performed an exploratory laparotomy to find what was blocking Theo's bowel. 

"During surgery, the blockage was found to be a large conker! The conker was removed, the intestine stitched up, and Theo could return home to his grateful owners. 

"I have removed various objects from dog's intestines over the years, including socks, fruit stones and kebab sticks, but it has been a while since it has been a conker!

"While they may be perfect for playground games, conkers can be dangerous to dogs due to their bowel-blocking shape, but they are also poisonous as they contain aesculin, which is toxic to canines. 

"If your pet is unwell or you think it has swallowed something they shouldn't have, it is always best to go to your vet as soon as possible." 

Read more about autumn dangers for your pet