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  • How can my vet help me during Firework season?
  • How can my vet help me during Firework season?
  • How can my vet help me during Firework season?
  • How can my vet help me during Firework season?

    Over 30 years of caring for our clients pets’ well-being

  • How can my vet help me during Firework season?

At Folly we are hearing from many concerned owners, firework season is rapidly approaching, this year it may continue for many weeks, due to the lack of professionally run events.

Are you starting to feel anxious about how your new puppy may react? Maybe your old dog reacted badly last year causing you to worry?

What we understand about noise phobia

As vets, one thing we do know is that if owners’ are unaware of the importance of addressing noise phobia early on, the phobias may get more extreme year-on-year. They can even become more generalised creating unassociated triggers such as doors slamming or noisy cars. Please don’t panic, Folly is here to help, we will work together with you to help your pet and will also form a plan for subsequent years.

What if I know my pet has serious firework anxiety?

If your pet has a known firework phobia and you have experienced first hand, trembling, hiding, vocalisation, chewing of cages and the home, to name a few, then we have stronger medications that can help. These are not medications that we prescribe without good reason but we know and understand that they do have their benefits in some extreme cases.

What if I know my pet has serious firework anxiety?

If your pet has a known firework phobia and you have experienced first hand, trembling, hiding, vocalisation, chewing of cages and the home, to name a few, then we have stronger medications that can help. These are not medications that we prescribe without good reason but we know and understand that they have their benefits in some extreme cases.

What can be offered or prescribed and how my pet be supported in the future?

Initially and in mild cases Folly will typically trial supplements and pheromones to calm your pet. In more challenging cases some pets will need medication to help them through this challenging period. Once through the most concerning time and with subsequent years to mind, we would recommend desensitisation therapy, this is because medication and pheromones are a temporary solution. Owners can significantly help their pet become less bothered by fireworks by exposing them to the sounds over a longer period. Due to the time needed desensitisation therapy should ideally start as soon as this year’s firework season is over.

How can I prepare for November fireworks?

This year you can also help your furry family members by making dens for them. These dens should be in the quietest room in the house and can be made by placing blankets and duvets over a cage to muffle sounds. It’s a good idea to let your pets out for their wees and pees and back into the house earlier than normal, this will prevent a sudden spook when outside (if a firework goes off). This is a time when they can hurt themselves or run off/escape.

At Folly Gardens we are committed to supporting you through this challenging time and if we can be of any further help please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you would like to talk through your individual pets needs please contact Rhys Crane at our Cheltenham Clinic on T:01242 234392.